Up to half of all women experience weakness in both the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor muscles after pregnancy and up to a third still have a gap in their tummy muscles at 8 weeks post birth.
This can cause instability or poor core strength leading to women developing pelvic or back pain or bladder, bowel and sexual dysfunction. These conditions do not have to be something you should just put up with as a result of having a baby. The Mummy MOT is for both vaginal and caesarean deliveries.
It’s recommended that women have an initial assessment after their 6-8 week GP check, but we also treat women who gave birth years ago that may still have a tummy gap or related pelvic floor issues.
About The Mummy MOT®
A Mummy MOT is a specialist postnatal examination for women following both vaginal and caesarean deliveries. It will assess how your posture, pelvic floor muscles and stomach muscles are recovering after birth. And if they’re not, then we can provide you with exercises and treatment to help in your recovery and to return to exercise safely.